Jun 18, 2010

Slick And Slimy Meet Up

After nearly 60 days and counting of 35,000 to 60,000 barrels of oil being pumped into the ocean a day. President Obama will with finally meet with BP CEO Tony Hayward and other partners such as Transocean, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, Halliburton, Cameron International and Schlumberger Ltd who have been keeping a low profile on this disaster that left 11 workers dead in the initial explosion and many decades of pollution to come.

The Intercourse may go as followed:

Obama: I do not have any clear plan to stop the oil but BP will pay for the damage and America needs to rid itself of its addiction on fossil fuel.

Hayward: We have some great plans lined up but I'm getting a little bored of the whole thing.

Obama: The shining light that is America must lead the way as an example to other nations.

Hayward: So whats your plan and can you do it in your single term presidency?

Obama: Um maybe set up a commission and put out there some bills that will come into effect when I'm no longer in office then the after dinner speech circuit and maybe a book deal.

Hayward: I think its time I got my life back and went on holiday, ta ta and let me know how it works out.

Next up on the adgenda, ad camgain that asks, " Are oil slicks really that bad"?

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