Jun 24, 2010

The Only Good Taliban Is A Dead Un

The US military have reported that an unmanned drone has killed the Taliban top 3 leaders.

Acting on information from top Al Qaeda hunter Gary Faulkner a tour bus or as Faulkner described it (a tour bus of mass destruction) was destroyed early morning in Montana.

Health Care? Don't Care

Americans spend twice as much as residents of other developed countries on health care, but get lower quality, less efficiency and have the least equitable system, according to a recent report : Discuss.

A strange cuntry with a strange idea on how to run things. Since the whole socialised medicine issue came up again Americans have been running around like frightened chickens I don't get it.

Is having a health care system based on need rather than ability to pay so bad?

Many poor people in America already have free health care hat but no one mentions that until its time to cut it a little more. The ones that are paying are getting the same treatment as a county hospital but pay a ton for it.

Any ER will treat you in an emergency until you are stable and its found that you can't pay then they ask you to leave.

Why stand up so fiercely for a system that is broken that feeds the rich and makes the sick poor?

The treatment that wounded vets get upon return from war is disgusting but still the Faux news watching patriot (cums from the latin word for idiot) demands to pay through the nose because they themselves can afford it and screw the rest! even the war heroes.

I see middle class people who are struggling to pay for all their treatments and meds not defend American health care but put up with doing without because they have been told its better than socialised medicine.
I listened to a bloke talk about his truck and his Quad bikes then go on to complain about the ever rising cost of health care for his family and in the same breath slagged off Obama for wanted to reform the system.

Only one thing scares Americans more than socialist ideas and that is taxes! The false sense of self entitlement given to them by the Constitution leads to uneducated stubborn ideas based on better the devil you know. They want it all but not have to pay for it ......... thats what the government is for right?

Maybe I suppose if taxes went to improving their own lives where they live instead of propping up the less viable states a couple of thousand miles away they might see some benefits .

Profit oriented health care providers do not care about your health they care about their business and if you become a drag on them oh boy will you be cut. If they are the only game in town then you will find a way to pay or do without as millions do.

A reform is needed but the home of the brave needs to grow a pair first, civilised cuntry my arse. Socialised health care is not perfect but you don't loose yer hoose trying to get back on yer feet should you fall ill.

Jun 23, 2010

I'd Get Arrested If I Went Round Doing That!

Edith Shain, nurse in iconic Times Square kissing photo dies

Edith Shain, the nurse captured in the famous picture by photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt has died aged 91 ............. the baby was saved.

Seen being sexually assaulted by a jubilant U.S. sailor during V-J Day celebrations the image has gone on to haunt us for decades.

Police are still looking for the unknown sailor.

But trust me on the sunscreen

About 500 of the most popular sunscreen products may actually increase the speed at which malignant cells develop and spread skin cancer because they contain vitamin A or its derivatives.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has known of the potential danger for as long as a decade but has said nothing to the public, the FDA denies everything of course even though it was them and the National Toxicology Program who did a study in 2000 but what good is the FDA ?

The Environmental Working Group in their annual report to consumers say that only 39 of the 500 products they examined were considered safe and effective to use. I suspect the 39 products are the zinc based more expensive ones without the claims for detox and anti-aging.

Most sunscreens contain the chemical 'oxybenzone' which penetrates the skin and enters the bloodstream and vitamin A and its derivatives, retinol and retinyl palmitate, may speed up the cancer so for years we've been trying to give ourselves cancer . A funny thing is that even doctors give out vitamin A creams for people with skin cancer.

SPF 100 really performs like SPF 3.2, SPF 30 rating equates to a 2.3 and an SPF 15 translates to 2.

Old Knudsen is extremely white and has used SPF 50 while in America and still got burnt but felt a little protected but now he feels like hes been prison raped and not in a good way either.

The sunscreens in Europe have better regulations as you'd expect because you can yap all you like about socialist cuntries but we don't go out of our way to poison the people and actually enforce monopoly rules for the common good instead of backing up the rich to do as they please.

The US Food and Drug Administration are a bunch of collaborating tossers who say what the self- interest groups want them to say.

For instance ammonium perchlorate from rocket fuel and other hazardous waste is a big contaminate in the drinking water throughout America and affects the thyroid gland and messes with the development of children.
The FDA say the perchlorate is at a safe level and yet they have a contract to be supplied with bottled drinking water for their employees.

On their website they say cell phone waves don't cause cancer so that must be true they also say that the oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico may taint sea food in colour , taste and smell but the public shouldn't worry.

The FDA has no teeth and can only make suggestions when a restaurant poisons its customers but does it have to lie? why not error on the side of common sense and caution?

Old Knudsen thinks its fair to say that most things now a days will cause you ill and beware of the new Nanotechnologies being developed in creams and cosmetics as that will totally screw you over on a molecular level.

Jun 21, 2010

Prison Food Sucks

Nicolas Cocaign who like Old Knudsen faces life but he faces life in prison if he is convicted for the murder of his cell-mate Thierry Baudry in 2007.

Cocaign asked for psychiatric help and a nice bottle of Chianti . The French prison guards being meanies didn't oblige him so Cocaign beat Baudry before stabbing him with a pair of scissors and then suffocating him with a plastic bag............ all things commonly found in prisons.

He then cut him open and ate part of his lung because being a criminal and not a surgeon he mistook it for the heart, a very common mistake I'm sure.

Cocaign was serving a sentence for attempted rape when he fancied a bit of Baudry. I thought "Do you want a piece me?" was American smack talk, Old Knudsen was always stunned to hear this offered from Yank tough guys he was attempting to fight, "Yeah I'll have some dandruff and a few fingers please and then can we fight or is there yet more talking and puffing out of chests?".

What is up with the face tattoos? nothing says class and I've never worked a day in my life like face tattoos.
"So Nicolas how did the job interview for Disneyland Paris go?" asks his frightened but hopeful mother, "I think it went well they said I was a goofy looking fucker."

Jun 19, 2010

You Liar

Tim Roth plays a human lie detector/profiler for the FBI and other agencies in the blah blah same as the other shows 'Lie to me'.
Laying the English accent on thick Roth sometimes appears to either have had a stroke or hes drunk by the slurred words and relaxed posture.

What gets me is he told someone he was in Belfast for the British in 1986. So was Old Knudsen but thats besides the point. It implies he was doing something against Irish nationalist terrorist groups such as the IRA and he was employed by the Her majesty's government.

I know Americans and even some Sassenachs know less about the Troubles as African bushmen know about stairs which isn't much and so Belfast is used so there is some vague idea.

I'd like someone in an American TV show to say something like "I was in Lurgan for the British in 1986" or Ballybeen, Rathcoole or Londonderry which would have to be called Derry the odd time to please both sides.

Jun 18, 2010

Slick And Slimy Meet Up

After nearly 60 days and counting of 35,000 to 60,000 barrels of oil being pumped into the ocean a day. President Obama will with finally meet with BP CEO Tony Hayward and other partners such as Transocean, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, Halliburton, Cameron International and Schlumberger Ltd who have been keeping a low profile on this disaster that left 11 workers dead in the initial explosion and many decades of pollution to come.

The Intercourse may go as followed:

Obama: I do not have any clear plan to stop the oil but BP will pay for the damage and America needs to rid itself of its addiction on fossil fuel.

Hayward: We have some great plans lined up but I'm getting a little bored of the whole thing.

Obama: The shining light that is America must lead the way as an example to other nations.

Hayward: So whats your plan and can you do it in your single term presidency?

Obama: Um maybe set up a commission and put out there some bills that will come into effect when I'm no longer in office then the after dinner speech circuit and maybe a book deal.

Hayward: I think its time I got my life back and went on holiday, ta ta and let me know how it works out.

Next up on the adgenda, ad camgain that asks, " Are oil slicks really that bad"?