Americans spend twice as much as residents of other developed countries on health care, but get lower quality, less efficiency and have the least equitable system, according to a recent report : Discuss.
A strange cuntry with a strange idea on how to run things. Since the whole socialised medicine issue came up again Americans have been running around like frightened chickens I don't get it.
Is having a health care system based on need rather than ability to pay so bad?
Many poor people in America already have free health care hat but no one mentions that until its time to cut it a little more. The ones that are paying are getting the same treatment as a county hospital but pay a ton for it.
Any ER will treat you in an emergency until you are stable and its found that you can't pay then they ask you to leave.
Why stand up so fiercely for a system that is broken that feeds the rich and makes the sick poor?
The treatment that wounded vets get upon return from war is disgusting but still the Faux news watching patriot (cums from the latin word for idiot) demands to pay through the nose because they themselves can afford it and screw the rest! even the war heroes.
I see middle class people who are struggling to pay for all their treatments and meds not defend American health care but put up with doing without because they have been told its better than socialised medicine.
I listened to a bloke talk about his truck and his Quad bikes then go on to complain about the ever rising cost of health care for his family and in the same breath slagged off Obama for wanted to reform the system.
Only one thing scares Americans more than socialist ideas and that is taxes! The false sense of self entitlement given to them by the Constitution leads to uneducated stubborn ideas based on better the devil you know. They want it all but not have to pay for it ......... thats what the government is for right?
Maybe I suppose if taxes went to improving their own lives where they live instead of propping up the less viable states a couple of thousand miles away they might see some benefits .
Profit oriented health care providers do not care about your health they care about their business and if you become a drag on them oh boy will you be cut. If they are the only game in town then you will find a way to pay or do without as millions do.
A reform is needed but the home of the brave needs to grow a pair first, civilised cuntry my arse. Socialised health care is not perfect but you don't loose yer hoose trying to get back on yer feet should you fall ill.
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